Peloponnese weather forecast for team

ADVANCE pilot/marketing global team in Greece

Advance global team, including pilots, Marketing director and filming crew are in Greece, together with Freedom, site seeing and flying across Peloponnese area. 

It is a good opportunity for the people that design, fly and commercialize our gliders to fly in our terrain and understand the local exciting conditions, but at the same time it is a big opportunity for us to meet, talk with them and show them one of the most beautiful places for flight in Greece.

The area is already well known internationally after Kalavrita European Championships, where 100 km flights were made even in October. At the same time for us, people that fly in the area since early 1990's it is a big opportunity to show and promote once more our area in the international paragliding community.

The following, is a summary for the soaring conditions expected in Peloponnese area for this week. Weather conditions will be dynamic and will change during the week, offering an opportunity for flights across a wide area of Peloponnese terrain.


Erymanthos mountain, use the Kaletzi take off
surface wind NW 12kph
wind at 1200m N13kph
wind at cloudbase NE 10kph
usually because of NE winds in the area there may be some turbulence close to 2200-2300 m especially when wind speed>20 kph
NE winds represent continental air mass with strong conditions in this area.
cloudbase at 2100m with many Cu clouds, lower in the west
Thermals strength up to +3m/s 
Precipitation is expected in the south south east of Peloponnese (100km SE)
Potential XC distance 60-80km


Kalamata take off
surface wind SW 15kph
wind at 1200m SW10kph
wind at cloudbase WNW 5kph
May be good for dynamic soaring with very light thermals above the sea.
clouds Cu from 1500-2400m base in the west, rare with upper Cirrus layer
Thermals strength up to +1m/s 
Precipitation is expected 80km north of this area (Kalavryta)
Potential XC distance N/A

Tefi for Delfi Area


Erymanthos mountain, use the Kalousi take off-better for light NE winds
surface wind WNW 10-15kph
wind at 1200m NNW10kph
wind at cloudbase N 10kph
usually because of NE winds in the area the cloud base is high, there are convergence lines and cloud streets from NW to SE
cloud-base at 2100m with many Cu clouds, better sky when looking south
Thermals strength up to +3m/s 
Precipitation is expected in the south south east of Peloponnese 
Potential XC distance 60km from North to South and 100km from west to east 

Friday-best day until now

Kalavryta area-velia take off (check the road for snow)
surface wind WNW 10kph
wind at 1200m NNW<10kph
wind at cloudbase N 10kph
Usually this place works well with NE-N winds. If it turns to NE, then it is turbulent
N high winds mean less humidity and clouds, NW lower means some clouds in the area and such days create good conditions in the center of peloponese area.
cloudbase at 2700m with many Cu clouds to the south east direction from the take off
Thermals strength up to +3,5m/s 
Precipitation is not expected
Potential XC distance >80km


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