Soaring Weather Forecast Aetheria pre World Cup Aug 22nd 2024


Summary of the day - General Weather

Post frontal conditions with lots of Cu clouds in the valley, high cloudbases >2600m, high air density, stronger inversions.

less temperature contrast on the ground making thermals more difficult to trigger.

At first Cu early in the horizon, the after 13.00 the valley works and many Cu appear above flats, later in the day some overdevelopment in the West and South areas of Grevena valley

Lower winds increase and turn to North East direction from North we had today which may be critical



1006mb increased 


Min Τ 22 Max Τ31  ΔΤ 9 C more stable close to the ground than yesterday

Dewpoint 12,5 C average

Clouds Forecast

Cloudbase depending on the area 2600-2900m after 15.00 >3000m 

Cloud tops +1200m 

Cloud coverage expected 50-60% at 15.00

Cloud Types Cu

Inversion Levels 800m, 3000m

Thermals Analysis

Thermals at levels +2 m/s <1000m, +3,/s < 1300m, +4m/s <1800m, +4,5 >1800m

Top of Lift 2600m at 15.00

Zone Ideal between 1300 and 2500m

Winds at 15.00 

Wind Gust 25kph

Gound NE 15kph

600m NE 15kph

1200m NE 18kph

1800m NE 20kph

2400m NE 13kph

3000m NE 11kph

3600m NE<10kph

Speeds and flight Duration

XC Speed 30+ kph

Start of the Day 11.00h

decline day after 16.00h

Duration of XC 2,5h

Potential Task 75 km


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