
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Αύγουστος, 2024

Soaring Weather Forecast Aetheria pre-PWC Sat Aug 24th

  Summary of the day - General Weather In General a more difficult day than Friday The Barometer is stable and humidity drops meaning a little stronger high thermals but less close to the ground Less clouds in the sky, appearing after 14.00 in the valley. More clouds to the East, SW and west. Winds stronger than Friday from the NE up to 2100. higher they switch to NW up to 18kph at 3600m Top of lift 2900m vs, 3400 of Friday Day will start at 12.00 and will be strong enough for take off after 13.00h A 3 h task is possible Details Barometer 1010mb stable Temperatures Min Τ 24 Max Τ33  ΔΤ 9 C less instability but more air density Dewpoint 7,5 C average in the valley Clouds Forecast Cloudbase depending on the area 3.300m at 15.00h   Cloud tops +500m and Cu last for less time Cloud coverage expected <10% at 15.00, better in Vermio mountain and Pindos Cloud Types Cu and some Ci in the west late  Inversion Levels 800m, 2100m, 3100m Thermals Analysis Thermals at levels +2 m/s <1300m, +4/

Soaring Weather Forecast Aetheria pre-World Cup Aug 23rd 2024

  Summary of the day - General Weather Light NNE winds at low levels and NW 15kph at 3000. Post frontal conditions again, meaning higher Baro Pressure, higher air density, stronger inversions. Temperatures are higher but DT 10 C more than yesterday.  Humidity drops 5%, stronger thermals more kinetic energy of the air Clouds appear 30 min later (13.30h) and peak coverage at 15.00h The conditions strengthen 1h later than yesterday, I believe optimal SSS at 14.30h The day will start slowly but will become strong after 15.00h and will be good up to 18.00 Peak of the day will be at 16.00h - later 1 h than the previous day Details Barometer 1009mb increased 3 mb Temperatures Min Τ 23 Max Τ33  ΔΤ 10 C more unstable than yesterday Dewpoint 10 C average in the valley, lower at Mountains Clouds Forecast Cloudbase depending on the area 2600 at 13.30 up to 3100+m after 15.00 at mountains  Cloud tops +1200m similar to yesterday but maturate 30m9n later Cloud coverage expected 40-60% at 15.00, sligh

Soaring Weather Forecast Aetheria pre World Cup Aug 22nd 2024

  Summary of the day - General Weather Post frontal conditions with lots of Cu clouds in the valley, high cloudbases >2600m, high air density, stronger inversions. less temperature contrast on the ground making thermals more difficult to trigger. At first Cu early in the horizon, the after 13.00 the valley works and many Cu appear above flats, later in the day some overdevelopment in the West and South areas of Grevena valley Lower winds increase and turn to North East direction from North we had today which may be critical Details Barometer 1006mb increased  Temperatures Min Τ 22 Max Τ31  ΔΤ 9 C more stable close to the ground than yesterday Dewpoint 12,5 C average Clouds Forecast Cloudbase depending on the area 2600-2900m after 15.00 >3000m  Cloud tops +1200m  Cloud coverage expected 50-60% at 15.00 Cloud Types Cu Inversion Levels 800m, 3000m Thermals Analysis Thermals at levels +2 m/s <1000m, +3,/s < 1300m, +4m/s <1800m, +4,5 >1800m Top of Lift 2600m at 15.00 Zone

Soaring Weather Forecast Aetheria pre PWC Aug 21st 2024

  Summary of the day - General Weather After the front passing, a better competition day is expected. However, the unstable air has not left yet and will give a lot of showers all around us in the North (50km) at 14:00h in the West mountains of Pindos at 15.00 and in the east mountain ridges of Edessa, Vermio and Olympos which will be visible from our area but will not affect us directly. But after 15.00 we expect to have shadow in our valley and conditions will weaken. The very wet ground in our valley combined with the increased solar radiation of 800w/m2 will start the day early at 11.00 with the first Cu clouds appearing around 12.00. as the day evolves, more clouds will develop in the valley and after 15.00 we will have increased coverage (60%) and horizontal overdevelopment. We expect a second cloud cycle after 15.00 and the conditions will start declining after 16.30. The temperatures will drop and Winds will be light North at all levels, colder but with 40% humidity. Details Ba

Soaring Weather Forecast Aetheria Paragliding pre World Cup Aug 20th 2024

   Summary of the day - General Weather A cold airmass will invade to our area from the North between 15.00 and 16.00h. Before this it may be possible for a short task The day will start with clear sky above Siatista, although in the horizon there will be layer clouds and Cu Con in the West and North. Later in the day and after 11.00h we will have a Cirrus layer together with Cu clouds in the valley, first visible to develop in the area of Kastoria.  At first high cloud bases from 2000 in the north to 3000 in the south and mixed airmasses.  After 13.00h the peak of coverage will reach 70% above Siatista and the cloud base will get lower. After 14.00h there will be Ci and Cu in the sky including Cb clouds in the West (Pindos Mountains) and in the North (Kastoria area). A local front will pass from the area between 15:00 and 16:00h and the lower winds will change from SSW <15kph to NE<15kph. Higher altitude winds will remain SW around 20kph Shower clouds will be active in our area

Soaring Weather Forecast Aug 19th - for Aetheria pre-PWC and 33rd Hellenic Championship 2024

  Summary of the day - General Weather The unstable air has been well established in the area. A local front will pass from the area at 15:00 making conditions not fit. Cirrus in the morning from the SW followed by As and Cu with Overdevelopment. Later at 15.00 we expect CuCon and CBs Frontal zones are expected in Italy and in the Balkan peninsula.  Solar radiation increases further which combines with 70% humidity and the mixture is super unstable. No change in Barometer, no change in humidity.  Yesterday Cirrus clouds delayed the evolution of events. on Monday We still have some cirrus, and Ac clouds but in the first cloud layer gap precipitation will come sooner at 15.00. The most important change is the increase of the SouthWest winds above 30kph at 3000m Details Temperatures Barometer unchanged at 1003mb Min Τ 22 Max Τ32  ΔΤ 10 C relatively unstable conditions Dewpoint increases above high ground and stays low above the valley. This will give higher cloudbase in the west valley th

Weather forecast for Sunday Aug18th 2024 - Aetheria pre World Cup and 33rd Hellenic Championship

  Summary of the day - General Weather The low pressure of the South Greece and Romania, combine to create a frontal zone in our area with instability, and Thunderstorms. These rain clouds will develop from the North West. Between 12.00 and 13.00 there will be a cirrus layer cloud that may delay the evolution of the vertical overdevelopment clouds but when it clears we will have many Cu clouds in the valley. Starting from the west mountains and from Askio we will see Congestus, showers, CBs and  thunderstorms that will increase coverage to 100% around 13.00h  We are in a marginal zone for this front ant there is a possibility for this to pass from Kastoria and let us fly to the south of Siatista. The day will make 2 waves, first before cirrus with thermals to 1700m and a second wave after cirrus, with climbs up to 2400m and instability Details Barometer at 1003 decrease 2mb and further drops at 17.00h Temperatures Min Τ 23 Max Τ36  ΔΤ 13 C unstable conditions Dewpoint between 6 and 8 C

Soaring Weather Forecast Aetheria Pre World Cup Aug 17th 2024

Summary of the day Barometer decreases by 2mb, therefore decreasing air density and kinetic energy.  This combines with higher humidity meaning less strong thermals than yesterday and less strong  inversions and the day starts earlier than yesterday Many clouds develop early with tendency to develop to congestus and CBs, first in the West-North West and in the North East. Later in the day the vertical overtevelopment will move from the north to the south and rain is expected after 14.00h both in the west and in the east mountain ridges. After 16.00 the rain clouds will cover all the area, starting from the Top of Askio mountain in the North and expand to the direction of Grevena in the South.  The whole valley has extremely high posibility of rain until 18.00h, more than yesterday. Details Barometer at 1005 decrease 2mb Temperatures Min Τ 23 (yesterday 24)  Max Τ36 (yesterday 37) ΔΤ 13 C unstable conditions Dewpoint around 8 C (yesterday 6 C) Humidity increases Clouds Forecast Cloudbas

Soaring Weather Forecast PWC Cameli Aug 17th 2024

  Summary of the day Slight Barometer increase, harder thermals, stronger inversions day delays to start vs yesterday humidity slightly drops, enhancing the previous results  Many clouds in the North East, less clouds in the Southwest Similarly Strong thermals but the day will delay to start and will have a shorter duration General high wind from the west, later north, finally west Details Baro 1000 increase 1mb Temperatures Min Τ 21  Max Τ32  ΔΤ11 good instability at all heights but not ideal Dewpoint around 8 C Clouds Forecast Cloudbase 3700-4000m, higher in the North East areas cloud tops +400 up to 1200m above high mountains, more for areas of higher humidity. Cloud coverage 40% in the south west to 80% Min the North East Cloud Types Cu and Cu Con  Inversion Levels 1500m, 3100m,4000m   Thermals Analysis Thermals at levels +5,3>2500m, +4,5>2000m, +3,7<1500 Top of Lift 3700m-4000m at 15.00 Zone Ideal above 2400m Winds at 15.00 Wind Gust 20+kph Ground SW 20 600m SW29 1200m SW