Weather forecast Voras July 31st 2024


Summary of the day

slight drop in Baro, less strong inversions and smoother air

humidity at 25% - high density air 

More clouds than yesterday specially in the south


Βαρομετρική 1009 drop 2mb


Μιν Τ 20 Less than yesterday

Μαχ Τ32 same 

ΔΤ12 good instability at all heights

Dewpoint 2C south 50km 4C 100km 6C Increased humidity in the area, more in the south. Expect more clouds in the south 

Clouds Forecast

Cloudbase 2700-3000m therefore blue skies today at Voras, more clouds and lower cloudbase at Vermio and South West. double gloudbase at vermio, 2700 in the east and 3000 in the west, after Aliakmonas river 2700 everywhere

cloud tops +400 up to 1200m above high mountains

Cloud coverage 10% to 50% More clouds to the mountains and to the south

Cloud Types Cu

Inversion Levels 700n, 1700m, 2700m early

Thermals Analysis

Thermals at levels +4>1000m, +5>1500m

Top of Lift 2800m at Kaimaktsalan early, 3000m at Vermio and south

Zone Ideal 1500-3000m

Winds at 15.00

Wind Gust 20+kph

Below 2500 winds variable <10kph mainly from east directions

XC Speed 30+kph

Above 2500m NW >20kph

Start Day 12.30

decline day after 18.00

Duration of XC 6h

Potential Distance 150km


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