Flymaster Open 2024 Krusevo Soaring Weather Forecast Sat July 13th


Summary of the day
  • Similar day to yesterday maybe with slightly less powered thermals
  • Barometric Pressure drops 1mb and humidity drops 2% 
  • Small increase of higher NW winds
  • More dust in the low level <1000m will delay the day to start by half an hour. (13.30h) and less sun energy to the ground - long thermal cycles.
  • Ideal Take off 13.30h
  • Peak of the day 14.00-17.00h
  • 3h duration of potential Task

More Details
The barometer will drop to 1003mb by 1 mb, tendency to break inversions but air less dense and possible increase of local winds

low T =26 C(higher than yesterday)
High T = 37-38C (higher than yesterday by 1 degree)
DT=12 C enough instability at higher altitude but less temperature contrast on the ground, meaning thermal cycles will last more.

in the valley the DP=8,5 C similar to yesterday. 
Humidity -2%

More clouds in the west and less clouds in the east
Cloudbase starts with 2900m later at 15.00 will exceed 3400m, after 17.00 will drop by 100-200m
Cloudbase higher in the east lower in the west
Cloud tops in the west +3000m and in the east 1500m

Inversion levels 
700m, 2200m, 3300m

+2,5 m/s up to 1000m
+3,5 m/s above 1000m
+4,5 m/s above 2200m 
Some narrow thermals will be >+5m/s above 1200m
Top of stronger thermals 3300m+
Speed to Fly thermal zone 1400m-2700m

Gusts 25-27kph
0m East 10kph
600m East 12kph
1200m East 10kph
1800m NE 10kph
2400m NNW 15kph
3000m NW 20kph
3600m NW 20kph

Day Potentials
Day Starts 13.30h
Day peak 14.00-1700h
Day declines after 17.00
Day Duration 3,5h
Potential XC speeds 35+ kph
Potential Task 100km+


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