Flymaster Open 2024, Krusevo Soaring Weather Forecast Friday July 12th


The best Day until now, if there is not Overdevelopment in the valley

Less humidity, higher cloud bases, more clouds in the valley, stronger thermals lower and higher

Low East winds (+2-3kph) High NW winds 15kph Above 2100m

More details

Barometric pressure drops by 3mb

Humidity decreases by 2%. Similar strong conditions but higher cloudbase.

Min Temperature 25 in the valley, max Temperature 37 both increased by 2 C, contrast the same at 12 C - means unstable conditions.

Cloudbase 3200-3500

Tops of clouds at 4.500m

Cloud types Cu, Cu Conj to the North West and North

Cloud coverage from 10%-28%

Inversion levels at 700m, 2200m (wind shift at this altitude)


Gust 25kph

0m East 12kph

600m East 14kph

1200m East 15kph

1800m East 13kph

2400m NE 12kph

3000m NW 15kph

3600m NW 10kph

Day Potentials

Day starts at 12.00

Ideal Take off at 13.00

Day declines first at 16.00h then at 1800h

Duration of strong conditions 4h

Peak of the day 13.00-17.00

Potential XC speed 32-37kph

Potential XC >100Km


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